Unsuccessful Application
Thank you for taking the time to join our waitlist and go through our application process.
Unfortunately it looks like you have not qualified at this stage to sell on the Madeit platform.
Your images may need more work.
We need clear, beautiful images to showcase your products. Your images are the doorways for customers to discover your creations.
Your product offering may not be clear.
Make sure that your product offering makes sense as a collection so that you can create a loyal following. We require a minimum of 5 product listings at all times.
Your craft may need some refinement.
You may be in the hobbyist phase and may not be quite ready (yet) for the Madeit Market. We encourage you to keep going to refine and evolve your offering.
This isn't goodbye...
Your creations definitely peaked our interest and we're excited to see how you refine your offering! Please bookmark this page so you can use the link below to resubmit.
We encourage you to follow us on Instagram for inspiration, Youtube for tips and tricks and join our Madeit Facebook Group so you can connect with the Artists and Crafters.