Introducing Illustrations by Herman

Introducing Marcelena from Illustrations by Herman. Where every item is handmade!! From her home in the  Melbourne, Victoria, Marcelena draws all of her amazing illustrations.

Find out why Marcelena started creating and why she is so passionate about the value of handmade.

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Tell us about your creations and your handmade process.

I currently offer custom portraits in watercolour or vector illustrations. I specialise in creating seamless portraits based on separate images. There are several stages in the creation of my pieces:
1. Listening and understanding my client's vision
2. Studying the image references provided
3. Constructing the artwork through a rough sketch
4. Regular consultation with my client from start to finish

I follow these steps regardless of the medium I'm working in. I do believe it is important to bring your client along the journey. The creation of a custom artwork requires collaboration and trust from both sides. As the artwork reaches the finishing stage, both myself and my client feel confident with the outcome and a strong connection to the artwork as we went through it together.
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My vector illustrations are delivered digitally, the 'handmade' element is the human connection that happened from the beginning through the end via our regular chats and emails. I always follow up with each client to ask about the reveal, and photos of the happy recipient (this can sometimes be tricky to obtained), but I cherish hearing about how the art piece was received. The happy tears are so memorable to me.

My watercolour pieces are carefully packed by my self, with individually unique thank you notes before placing them in a slim-mailer to go in the post.

Tell us a bit about your journey to becoming a handmade artist.

I have always been that child who liked making things with their hands. Ranging from drawing, painting, to constructing random objects out of the imagination. I pursued design in earnest throughout my teenage to early adulthood years. I studied Industrial Design in University, then pursued my passion in metal work by learning silversmithing, followed by multimedia design.

When Covid hit in 2020 and the company I worked for closed down, I decided to rekindle my passion for art and making. When I was younger, I did a lot of oil painting and watercolour.  As life happened, I could no longer afford the time. The sudden pausing of life in 2020 reminded me of the joy I used to get from making art pieces. That was when Illustrations By Herman was formed.

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What is your inspiration or where do you find inspiration?

Inspiration is such an abstract thing. I could find inspirations from a dream, something I experienced or saw on my walk to the grocery store.  I find some inspiration from other artists, but what I found extra unique are ones which came from my clients.

I immensely enjoy interacting with my clients, hearing their stories, turning their visions into a precious keepsake artwork.

Where did you learn your craft?

As an artist I believe in always changing, evolving. I currently primarily do custom portraits of people and pets. As an experienced graphic designer, the natural progression was to offer digital illustrations - I specialise in working with vector artwork. I learned graphic design skills in university. Having created hundreds of vector illustrations, I craved for the feeling of working with a traditional medium.

My childhood passion of painting returned to mind and I decided to continue my watercolour journey. Inspired by so many talented artists from Australia and abroad, I began re-learning, experimenting various techniques. Many trials and errors were had, but as a glass-half-full mentality, I enjoyed every moment of success and failures. There's always something learned. I would consider myself a self-taught artist, although I also learned a lot from watching countless YouTube videos. 

Why is handmade artistry so important to you? 

To create, give, and receive a handmade item done well is one of life's most memorable events. I value the time and skills handmade artist have put in their craft. The way each of them evolve as time passes, leaving their little nuggets of creations along the way, they are so special and should be cherished by many. The human elements in each creation imbues passion, creativity, and personality. These are just some of the perks of buying something handmade.

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Illustrations by Herman
Marcelena is a much loved member of the Madeit Collective, posting regularly in our Facebook Group ~ The Ultimate Artisan Gift Destination ~ and sharing her new creations as they are released. If you haven't connected with Illustrations by Herman  already, make sure you join our FB Group and say hi!
Click here or see below to discover the handmade creations by Illustrations by Herman.
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