Introducing Bróna from Lánua Crafts. Where every item is handmade!! From her home in Lake Macquarie, NSW, Bróna crafts each of her stunning creations by hand.
Find out why Bróna started creating and why she is so passionate about the value of handmade.
Tell us about your creations and your handmade process.
At the moment I'm particularly enjoying working with wire and am interested in developing my leatherwork skills - I feel the hands-on manipulation involved really connects me to the piece I'm working on.
I love to make earrings as they're so universally enjoyed! I'll often come up with an idea and try to visualise the twists and turns of it in my mind (I rarely do sketches). Then I'll test it out using very flexible wire to see if the design is workable. I've accumulated a wide range of tools and materials, so I might just need to get familiar with how the tools or wire feel in creating that particular piece.
Tell us a bit about your journey to becoming a handmade artist.
I was diagnosed with a chronic illness shortly after becoming a doctor, so I side-stepped into teaching medicine part-time, which I really enjoyed. Then two years ago my health had deteriorated and I had to stop work altogether, and I found myself having to spend most of my time at home. But an unexpected thing happened in the quiet of those days in my own company.
My creativity, which I had largely lost touch with, started to bubble up in little moments and ideas, and I remembered how much I enjoyed writing and art.
So I began to dabble in those areas again and while I was experimenting with different mediums, I realised that I could paint my own earrings - art that could be worn! And my jewellery-making journey started there. (Like many artists and crafters I soon realised that if I could sell some of my work, I might be able to buy more supplies or try out some new tools or materials, and it was a very short leap from there to establish Lánua Crafts.)
What is your inspiration or where do you find inspiration?
At the moment I draw a lot of my inspiration from my memories of ancient Irish art styles, particularly spirals, which appear in the ancient art of many other cultures around the world also. From patterns engraved in stone to shapes formed in metal, I love the simplicity and impact of those shapes and symbols, and try to integrate them with a contemporary style.
I'm fortunate to live in a very beautiful part of the world, and I keep my eyes and mind open for those surprise moments when inspiration might strike, observing nature's amazing creatures and plant life. And of course, I'm inspired every day by the countless wonderful artisans who share their work online for us to enjoy.
Where did you learn your craft?
I've always enjoyed immersing myself in study and learning, and so with some gusto I started to teach myself how to make jewellery. I studied art in high school, and visual media at university (pre-medicine) and I leant on those foundations as I began exploring jewellery craft online. I sought out video tutorials, diagrammed instructions, and forum conversations with experienced and skilled craftspeople. I began to follow artists and artisans whose work excited and inspired me. And I did a lot of experimenting via trial and error, both in my techniques and the tools I used. I love that I'm still excited to learn more and continue honing my skills and broadening the scope of my designs.
Why is handmade artistry so important to you?
As humans, I think touch is a massive part of how we experience life, connection to others and our environment. Machines and technology remove us from that hand to hand, tangible connection. Handmade artistry is imbued with the energy and soul of the maker, from the physical product to their handwriting scratched onto paper. Handmade has existed for all of human time, and has managed to hold its place in the world, despite advances in technology. I feel like it transcends time in that way and connects us through the generations to our ancient ancestors and simple humanity.
With technology having a role in so many aspects of our lives, it's easy to forget just how much we are capable of ourselves and when we work together, how self-reliant we can be with a little motivation, how we can repair instead of replace, and create with our own hands and simple tools. And when we do remember, it's exciting and so empowering!
Bróna is a much loved member of the Madeit Collective, posting regularly in our Facebook Group ~ The Handmade Marketplace of Australia ~ and sharing her new creations as they are released. If you haven't connected with Lánua Crafts, make sure you join our FB Group and say hi !
Bróna Sparkes
Thank you Billie and Margaret 💛 the Madeit community does inspire learning and sharing that’s for sure!
Wow, what an incredibly talented lady!
Your creations are lovely, and your passion to learn more skills is inspiring.
Thankyou for sharing.
What a cool story! A woman of many talents, Brona 😊
Thank you for your very kind words Madeit and Marcelena! I have discovered in the Madeit community such a supportive good-humoured space and people that I’m encouraged to shine this little light of mine 💛 !
Hi Marcelena, We totally agree. Brona is incredible and seems there is nothing she can’t do. Her creations are awesome and her positive attitude is incredible.
Thank you for sharing your story Brona. I learned something new about you today. You’re a doctor!, a handmade artisan, and an awesome human ❤️ what a trifecta !