Our Lavender Soap is a delightful blend of two popular and aromatic ingredient lavender. This handmade soap combines the zesty and invigorating scent of lemon with the soothing and relaxing fragrance of lavender, creating a harmonious and refreshing bathing experience.
The lavender soap is crafted with care using high-quality ingredients, including natural oils and botanical extracts, to provide gentle cleansing and nourishment for the skin. It is carefully formulated to maintain the skin’s natural moisture balance and leave it feeling soft, smooth, and revitalized.
Note: Our handcrafted lavender soap is made in small batches, colors and design may be differ from batch to batch.
Aqua, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Sweet-almond Oil, Soyabean Oil, Lavender buds, Lemon Oil, Mica Color, Fragrance Oil with Saponification Process
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