visit store

Despite my best intentions, my creative process is random and spontaneous, very much working to its own schedule and showing up when it feels like it. Sometimes I sit with my tablet to draw and design, sometimes it's pencil and paper, but more often than not I will find myself at the bench surrounded by metal and gemstones, fitting pieces together to see where it takes me.

I like the idea of creating collections, and I have had success with this approach more recently, but I always seem to meander back to whatever thing inspires me in the moment.

I find my inspiration in all sorts of places; the curve of a leaf, the geometry of architecture, the colours of nature and always the artistry of fellow artists and craftspeople. Whenever I find myself at a loss for inspiration, immersing myself in the vibrant, fascinating worlds of other artists will always bring me back to a creative space.
I started out making simple beaded earrings, and in 2010 I opened my Madeit shop. Madeit looks great, is easy to use and comes with an inspiring community of local makers built right in. It is scalable, which allows those just starting out to dip a toe in the eCommerce world without spending a lot of money or needing significant expertise. Being part of an Australian community of makers feels like the right fit for my handmade business.
It surprised me by taking off quite quickly, and as my skills grew, I moved away from pre-fabricated assembly and began to explore more complicated techniques. I collected tools, metal and gemstones and then... I learned to wield fire! That changed everything.
2020 brought big challenges to most of us, and it became clear that it was time to make a change. We had spent nine months living away from home due to renovations we had started just before COVID19 undid everyone's plans. By September we were finally able to move in, but most of our home was in the shed... and my bench was completely inaccessible.
Oh .. and I never did make myself those earrings!
Handmade is about love, isn't it? That's how I feel about it. Knowing that the item you have purchased has been held in the hands of its creator. Dreamed up, sketched, mulled over countless times. Shown proudly to long-suffering partners and children.
When you buy handmade, you are supporting someone's dream, and as a creative person working to make my living in this space, I feel the value of sharing that understanding with our communities, and extending that support to other makers, is so important.
From a business point of view, the skills and values I learned from my years volunteering and working in community education and administration have provided me with a great framework for how I like to deal with my suppliers, other businesses and most importantly - my customers. I try to bring those values of transparency, honesty and kindness to every interaction I have.