Thank you for purchasing the REPLAY.

This replay has been made into a Madeit Course. You will have access to this course for 365 days.

To access your course:

Log into your Madeit Account on the font end of the website and your course will appear there.

Logging into your account

The course you purchased is attached to the email address oyu enetered at checkout. Please make sure your account has the same email address.

*Please note if you are a Madeit Artist this is not in your dashboard, it is on the front of the website (see the image)


Please contact us at

We are real humans in the Madeit team and so happy to help you!

Your course is for you only. We make the courses very affordable and donate a portion to incredible Not For Profit Organisations.

Thank you in advance for keeping just for you.

If you believe that this course didn't offer value to your journey we are happy to refund you within 3 days of purchase.

Customer support

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