Fierce grace, acrylic on canvas paper, 30 x42cm, signed, unframed

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Fierce grace

Acrylic on canvas paper, not framed 42x30cm , signed at the front

As I added each stroke, I was thinking of the lioness's significance – she has courage, maternal instincts, and strong determination.

I created this painting in art class, in the gentle hum of creativity, on a journey to capture the essence of trust.

As I sketched the outline of the lioness onto the canvas paper, I reflected on the theme of trust.

With every stroke of the brush, I poured my trust into the process, allowing the image to come to life . The layers of paint became a metaphor for the layers of trust – built gradually, with patience and dedication.

Finally, I peeled away the masking tape, revealing the completed artwork.
In that moment, I realized that trust isn't just about having faith in others, but also in yourself.

And as I signed my name beneath the proud lioness, I felt a sense of accomplishment and trust in my own abilities.

Now, as she awaits framing, she encourages you to bring her into your space, to inspire strength and grace in your own journey.

Dare to embrace her strong presence , and make her your own!

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